Sunday, November 26, 2006


Dear Readers,
I just wanted to point out that there is possibly a new Financial/Investment/Stock Trading series in the works. If you haven't heard yet, the producers of the popular "Entourage" HBO show are looking to create a show that deals more with young Wall Street investors making $40-$60 million dollars a year. Great Idea! as this would be the ideal time to release a show with the market at it's all time highs. There is currently a show called, "Wall Street Warriors" but is only available on HDTV's Mojo, channel (paid subscription). However, if you'd like, you can check out, (4TV) for a free glimpse of the weekly show, under HDTV Channel 1, Sunday's at 10pm. This new show will re-enact some real-life trading situations with a comical twist. I am very excited to see such a show, as a trader I'm always thrilled to get into the life of another highly successful trader, so see how they work, operate, and daily routines. Aren't you?


LP said...

Nice blog, I like I like

Rafitax said...

Great blog...
I'm sure my profits will grow up reading your blog... :)

Thanks in advance...